
Ggplot histograms
Ggplot histograms

ggplot histograms

Image 7 – Adding density plots to histograms Geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(lifeExp) - sd(lifeExp)), color = "#000000", size = 1, linetype = "dashed") Geom_vline(aes(xintercept = mean(lifeExp) + sd(lifeExp)), color = "#000000", size = 1, linetype = "dashed") +


The following code snippet draws a black line at the mean, and dashed black lines at -1 and +1 standard deviation marks: ggplot(gm_eu, aes(lifeExp)) + It’s a good idea to style the lines differently, just so your histogram isn’t confusing. For example, we sometimes like to add a vertical line representing the mean, and two surrounding lines representing the range between -1 and +1 standard deviations from the mean. You can bring more life to your ggplot histogram.


How to Style and Annotate ggplot Histograms Styling Let’s dive deeper into styling and annotations next. Much better, provided you like the blue color. Image 5 – Tweaking the fill and outline color Here’s how the first couple of rows from gm_eu look like: Here’s the code you need to import libraries, load, and filter the dataset: library(dplyr) We’ll use only a subset that shows countries in Europe and discard everything else. It’s a relatively small dataset showing life expectancy, population, and GDP per capita in countries between 19. We’ll use the Gapminder dataset throughout the article to visualize histograms. Let’s see how you can use R and ggplot to visualize histograms. Keep this in mind when drawing conclusions from the shape of a histogram, alone. It’s usually skewed in either direction or has multiple peaks. In reality, you’re rarely dealing with a perfectly normal distribution.

ggplot histograms

  • Anything outside the -3 and +3 standard deviation range is considered to be an outlier.
  • 99.72% of the data points are located between -3 and +3 standard deviations (49.86% in either direction).
  • 95.44% of the data points are located between -2 and +2 standard deviations (47.72% in either direction).
  • ggplot histograms

  • 68.26% of the data points are located between -1 and +1 standard deviations (34.13% in either direction).
  • When data is distributed normally (bell curve), you can draw the following conclusions: Image 1 – Histogram of a standard normal distributionĪlthough at first glance the histogram doesn’t look like much, it actually tells you a lot. The image below shows a histogram of 10,000 numbers drawn from a standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1): The easiest way to understand them is through visualization. You can change the number of bins easily. A single bar (bin) represents a range of values, and the height of the bar represents how many data points fall into the range.

    ggplot histograms

  • Add Text, Titles, Subtitles, Captions, and Axis Labels to ggplot HistogramsĪ histogram is a way to graphically represent the distribution of your data using bars of different heights.
  • How to Style and Annotate ggplot Histograms.
  • You’ll then see how to create and tweak R ggplot histogram taking them to new heights. We’ll start with a brief introduction and theory behind histograms, just in case you’re rusty on the subject. This article will show you how to make stunning histograms with R’s ggplot2 library.


    Today you’ll learn how to make R ggplot histograms and how to tweak them to their full potential. Luckily, the R programming language provides countless ways to make your visualizations eye-catching. How uninspiring are your data visualizations? Expert designers make graph design look effortless, but in reality, it can’t be further from the truth.

    Ggplot histograms